Adaptation and reduction


The aim of shortening of the whole opera and adaptation for a string quartet with fortepiano, four soloists and choir is to make the splendid Rosler's music accessible to a wide public. When arranging it, two sources were consulted – a copy from Florence and Rosler's autograph. This is because the autograph is scarcely legible at places and both copies contain many mistakes. Catchy arias, witty performance full of turns as well as the hour length make the opera an entertaining show even for the spectator without any experience with classical music. Music connoisseurs then can appreciate witty allusions to opera cliches, stylish novelty and originality of many elements of Rosler's composition as well as knowledgeable composition design.
Also the economic availability of the whole show is a significant factor. Concieved in this regard, too, the scene works with the simplest elements available and is easily portable.



Archival curiosity or music of timeless qualities


 Probably all of us know the saying “Every Czech is a musician''. But less people know that this saying was not actual at all by the turn of the 18th and 19th century. “Union for the promotion of music in Bohemia” writes in its deed of foundation that music in Bohemia is on the decline and that the association would like to raise its level. Many great musicians of the time were born in Bohemia but they had to leave for work abroad. As regards the music production, the Lobkowicz band was an exceptional phenomenon in our territory because new impulses for the European music proceeded from here. Right for this reason, Jan Josef Rosler's work is much important for our music history and we can be proud of it. We are convinced that its quality far exceeds the regional and period attractiveness and will entrance present-day listeners.




 The opera is a setting of an Italian libretto by Bartolomeo de Antoni. Also a period translation by a patriot Chmelensky and a German version existed.
We have decided to present subtitles in a modern Czech, adapted to the shortened version.