Eisenberg (Jezeří) Music Summer 2018

Under the auspices of doc. JUDr. Pavel Svoboda PhD., D. E. A., Member of European Parliament

jezeri 2017web

4. 8. 2018 – 1. 9. 2018 (five saturdays) at the state castle Eisenberg (Jezeří, Czech Republic)

Festival Eisenberg Music Summer follows the famous musical tradition of the castle. Its golden age is connected with the reign of Prince Franz Maximilian Lobkowitz, who built here the castle theatre at the end of the 18th century. To the Eisenberg Chateau - his summer residence – was he accompanied by his musical ensemble, composed of outstanding virtuosos. Josef Lobkowitz was himself an excellent musician with exquisite taste, but also one of the most influential patrons of music. He was concerned about the excellent level of the performances but also wished to present the exclusive music novelties.
That curiosity and excitement before performance of a piece that no one has ever heard ... that was just composed. Expectations before listening to the music that has long been forgotten and which no one of the living people has ever heard. That adventure, when something wonderful will come out of the paper. This passion inspired not only us, but also representatives of the town Horni Jiřetín - a string quartet was ordered directly for the city. We are pleased to announce that we will introduce the premiere at the opening concert of the festival. Besides the String Quartet for Horní Jiřetín by Jiří Sycha, there will also be the Piano quintet E flat major by Beethoven's close friend, also an excellent composer and piano virtuoso Ferdinand Ries, whose diary we owe for a lot of information about Beethoven.

The second concert of the festival will be a unique event in the modern history of the castle. We will present here in the original orchestral instrumentation Sinfonia C major and the Piano Concerto E flat major by the Lobkowitz Kapellmeister Johann Joseph Rösler. This modern premiere is associated with the recording of these works and with the release of Rösler's piano concerts.
Concert 8. 8. 2018 is devoted to the most typical genre of the century with an eighteen at the beginning - a song. The performance of the leading contemporary artist of this genre, Jan Kobow, gives us insight into the souls of composers and poets just in 1818. The concert is followed with the Interpretation Master Course.
Last August concert of the festival will be dedicated to the city Horní Jiřetín and his most famous native Franz Joseph Gläser. This pasticcio is conceived as 3 scenic pictures from various times of the castle. It was inspired by two Gläsers theatre pieces: Ghost Nigilibigili and a comical farce called 1723-1823-1923. The main content of the performance describes Gläsers life and his music - the year 1818. The second act will lead us to 1918 and the third to the present. In 2018, we will be accompanied by the composition of the musical alchemist Vincent Flückiger, in which he connects the sound of electronic and historical instruments.
The final performance of the festival will leave the castle enlivened by elf magic: Franz Fühmann's fairy tale on the motifs of the Midsummer Night will be revived by the music of Henry Purcell played by Batzdorfer Hofkapelle.